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Kaetsu Ninja Lifestyle

Village | Hierarchy | Bushido

Kaetsu Village
Phoenix Rock and surrounding forest

For the record I attribute the Phoenix bird with Fire and Stone.

A number of things attribute this formation to being an actual Phoenix nest. Firstly the shape is obviously pleasing to a Phoenix, which was the first clue it was made by one. Secondly the smokeless fire that always burns at the peak - it clearly isn't natural fire, and it is assumed that this is the Phoenix's aura emnating from the peak, perhaps to incubate an egg? The third reason that many of the Kaetsu ninja assume this is a real nest is that the one of the eyes on the statue seems to also constantly burn with fire. It was discovered that this was not a small fire itself, but rather a large red gemstone of an undetermined variety.

However probably the most solid evidence is the legend of Hirano Keiichi, the founder of the Kaetsu ninja in 2708. It is said that he once possessed the second eye of the Phoenix, and that it granted him the power to summon the mighty phoenix itself. It is said that the Phoenix greatly desired possession of this stone, and that Keiichi swallowed his pride and accepted a bargain with the mighty creature, that he surrenders the stone, and in return the Phoenix teaches him how to utilize the power of the phoenix himself. This technique was called the " Wings of the Phoenix " and carried on through the Hirano family to this day. It is the strongest of all Kaetsu's techniques.


Kaetsu province is located just north of Kyoto.

Although it looks like a prominent landmark, the phoenix rock formation is EXTREMELY hard to find. The dense forest that surrounds it is a strange thing, one can enter it and walk straight ahead, before soon exiting at almost the same place they entered... This became such a phenomenon that in 2536 they built a walkway through this forest, and were amazed when the same effect happened. All the tiles were placed exactly at right angles, the road was completely straight, but exited the forest 100m across from its start location. 450m of roading was used.

So why doesn't anyone see the phoenix from distance or from a plane? This is unknown, but it is certain that the rock formation is visible from the treetops. Only the Kaetsu ninja know of this route and no other person has managed to get deep enough into the forest to see it.


There is no such forest in Kaetsu province to the best of my knowledge... it's a cheap coverup for my secret town... also there is no phoenix rock formation in Kaetsu, or is there ? o_O

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Family Hierarchy
[ in order ]
Hirano Family Crest


The Hirano family are the founders of the Kaetsu ninja, and also the strongest in combat. Their strongest attack - ' wings of the phoenix ' is the main reason the Kaetsu ninja are called the kasei or ' force of flames '. Their attacks rage with fire, and many opponents flee when they realise who they are facing. The Hirano family secure a contract with each emperor as they come to power, and this family is called out when the emperor needs a strong presence by him, or calls a raid on an opposing power. When the emperor recently asked for an ambassador, someone to relay information to and from Kaetsu, the Hirano family scoffed at the thought, and only agreed to the proposition when convinced of the merits by Yumaku Kasumi.

BUSHIDO: The Hirano family is cocky by nature, and although they created the bushido code, they rarely follow it, preferring to play with and mock their opponents.

CLOTHES: The Hirano family's clothes are light, oft times seductive and use a variety of fire-based colours.

Yumaku Family Crest


The Yumaku family is second highest in the Kaetsu ninja because of their amazing stealth skills. They are the most commonly used by the emperor, as many of the assignments he asks involve spying or discreet attacks. Because of this, many of the traditional Yumaku techniques don't involve fire at all. When the emperor asked for an ambassador, Kasumi was torn - she would never disobey a direct order from the emperor, but this seemed such a useless request... When Hirano Hiko scoffed the thought, Kasumi defended the emperor's decision, stating that her next-born would be trained for the position.

BUSHIDO: The Yumaku family is heavily focused on honour and tradition, they believe in the Kaetsu Bushido and follow it to the word. They take every order seriously and will execute it without question.

CLOTHES: The Yumaku family's clothes are always traditional, quite often using the full samurai cloth attire, and using the simple combination of black and white.


If you have been paying close attention, you will have noticed that the families in Kaetsu have been inbreeding for 300 years. The Yumaku family are the exception, as Jubei was the first outsider to marry into the village.

If that hasn't wierded you out too much, does anyone have any thoughts for the appearance and / or fighting styles of the rest of the families? You can be as wierd as you want ! o_O

- Suggestions Here -
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Bushido Code

BUSHIDO means "The Way of the Warrior"

Kaetsu Bushido is a code of standards that the Hirano-damiyo family imposed on all ninja trained in this town. This code is used to complement standard bushido, not to oppose it. Kaetsu warriors use ninja techniques but very rarely use stealth kills.

1 He who expects too much is never surprised.
Always over-estimate your opponent.
2 Strength is useless if you cannot touch your opponent.
An opponent's strength is his weakness.
3 A sleeping dog makes an easy kill.
Always be prepared for combat.
4 A hungry man makes a poor warrior.
Always eat before battle.
5 A man that stabs another in the back is worth less that he that is slain.
A worthy opponent should be faced in even combat.
6 A blind man can feel you coming, a deaf man can taste you.
When one sense is clouded, all others are heightened.
7 An opponent cannot forsee an attack never used.
Always have a move you have never even practised.


If you have any comments on this code, if there is something you don't understand, or if you can think of a better phrasing for one of the rules - post it on the forum!

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