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A F F I L I A T E S :

My other manga... The new face of interactivity! The Hive Mind Dawn of a New Light imoto's great fanfic site

This is a site from kiwi-land!

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Don't hold your breath for updates.

First Page

NaNoWriMo Month!
Friday 2nd November 2007

Comic News: Currently suspended while I'm writing my NaNoWriMo.

Site News: In summary of the above, here's the prologue, and here's chapter one.

Unrelated News: My story is basically about Ankra, a half-breed elf that pools together other half-breeds and outcasts to form a neutral militia. It is assumed she does this as some sort of political statement or to break down old predjudices, but it becomes apparent that she is only concerned with how many pretty items she can score for herself.

Entertainment News: Watching dribs and drabs of anime to break up the typing mission of NaNoWriMo.

All material on this site is copyright to Nick Lattey.
Fanart and Fanfic are welcome as long as the source ( this site ) is stated.