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History ( 2003 - 2992 )

Being set in the future many may wonder what happens between now and then. This is why i mapped out a history from 2003 to 2992, telling what happened between this century and the beginning of Tenjyu's Legend.
If you want to cheat and find out the history for the next 1000 years ( that this story covers ) go here.

The ages that passed since 2001 are:

Technology Age Energy Age Mana Age
2001 - 2221 - 2901+
Technology Age

Planet Earth continues as usual. Sasayaka Motor Corp. produces the first hover-cars, and become instantly one of the wealthiest companies in the world. Entire diets are starting to come in pill form. The human race is living a life of excess... but at what cost.

In 2156 there was a long predicted occurance. The entire ring of fire ( ring of volcanoes around the Pacific ) erupted in succession, which created such massive disruption to the earth that the entire world shook with earthquakes. Almost all the nuclear reactors the world over had major meltdowns, and many of the earth's plates smashed into smaller pieces. It is rumoured that a Phoenix was born out of Mt. Fuji during it's eruption, but this is scarcely believed.

As you can imagine, this made large areas of the world uninhabitable, and almost immediately after, the worldwide nuclear free bill was passed. However the US, China and Russia continued to create and use nuclear technologies ( in secret ) for weapon development. This obviously pulled the space-race to a complete standstill. Mankind was busy enough maintaining earth.

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Energy(Ki) Age

Mankind recovered amazing fast from this near apocalypse, and therefore it was assumed that we were ready for anything similar.

The Energy age gets it's name because this was when it was first discovered that talented warriors could channel their 'ki' or fighting aura into beams and use this skill to travel at immense speeds without the need for a vehicle. Sasayaka International and other motor companies were obviously annoyed at this discovery, and many had to diversify to stay alive. Sasayaka Intl. spread into appliances, stationary and fast food. This proved to be a good move, as the Sasayaka Griller Houses became the center of the revival of true foodstuffs. Pill food was shunned as people began to realise the joys of eating real food.

A survey conducted the US was about to shock the world. It is predicted that consumable power sources ( such as oil ) are being used too fast to maintain. These consumable power sources are estimated to be fully depleted the year 3000. This was declared a world crisis, and scientists the world over started the desperate search for a new efficient and safe power source.

The first combat androids were created in Russia to fight the wars of man. Most androids were female, because Russia knew that american men would hesitate in shooting a beautiful young woman. Hence only a hundred of each thousand androids were male.

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Mana Age

From here commenced the shortest age in all human history. It was meant to be a normally sized age but things eventuated after just 100 years of this age which changed the world drastically. Many now refer to this as the "Short Age", and because of this there were some lived to see three different ages of men.

The reason for the name of this age is that humanity in its infinite wisdom found a new fuel source that was finite but capable of creating immense amounts of power. Although it was finite, mankind was too close to running out of power to care, as it would create enough power to run the world for hundreds of years, giving enough time to find a proper new source. Two years later, the search for new sources was halted, as it wasn't an immediate problem.

This energy source was named "mana" and was literally the planet's lifeforce.

Automotive companies successfully managed to team up under Sasayaka Intl. and convince the general public that ki manipulation was just a fallacy, and ironically the belief of the masses led to this becoming a fact. Car sales rocketed.

The Russian government realised that without humans able to utilise ki attacks, its L337 series of ki-androids could defect and destroy mankind without much effort. They sent a large army of them in a surprise attack on the US, and decimated 3/4 of the American army. Only twenty androids were damaged in this exchange, and Russia called a retreat, as they had now witnessed that their fears were true.

They then created the L473 series of marksmen androids with the firepower to destroy ki-bots and a special compound skin that almost completely negated energy attacks. To test their new android series they sent them on a mission to hunt and destroy all ki-bots ( which were spread across Russia ). Soon the Russian government had confirmation on the de-activation of all but 2 of the L337 series andriods. They were unable to locate L337-192, and L337-035 was MIA assumed dead from the US excursion.

This may seem odd ( creating killers to destroy killers ) but it is explained in detail here.

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